We have many different ways to help our families who are in need of financial assistance. A number of the Voucher options are listed below. Information on any of the following is available at our Main Office.
The following scholarships are available at many of the Catholic Elementary Schools in the Diocese of Cleveland.
- Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring Program (CSTP) – Based upon financial need; requires application including proof of income and proof of residence in the City of Cleveland.
- Private School Aide Service Grants (PSAS) – Provided by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Financial aid from $200 to $1,000 given to Non-CSTP students.
- Ohio Ed Choice (EdChoice) – Similar to the CSTP voucher outlined above, students qualify by residing in a qualifying sub-urban city/town. Their assigned public school must qualify as an “Ed Choice School” with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE).
- Jon Peterson Scholarship (JPSN) – Students with IEPs may apply for this scholarship to attend our school and recieve tutoring services for their IEP. As a private school, parents who register their child with an IEP to attend our school waive the rights to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). Saint Adalbert Catholic School is not required to follow IEPs or ETRs due to parents waiving this right; however, we acknowledge the IEP & ETR exist and do our Christian duty to comply with all requirements to the best of our ability.
If you do not qualify for the CSTP, Ed Choice, or Jon Peterson Vouchers, you can still attend our school. Please complete the application process for your Voucher and we will arrange for private payments to occur. Internal scholarships that are not listed on this website are available. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Main Office.
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