You can access our updated Parent / Student School Handbook here
Our school is based upon a foundation of Faith, Academics, Community, and Service to others:
- Faith – We follow the curriculum provided by the State of Ohio incorporated with faith and teachings from the Diocese of Cleveland.
- Academics – Our academia and rigor will provide students with a challenging and exciting format that prepares them for high school and readies them for college and beyond!
- Community – The history and tradition of our parish and Fairfax is rich in culture, spiritual growth, and determination. Our students reflect that and beyond as they stem from West 75th Street across to East 222nd Street.
- Service – Serving others and the needs of people is a major facet of a Blackjack. Our school motto is “Hand in Hand we Serve the Lord” and students are expected to reflect that in the walls of our campus, at home, and across the community in whomever they meet!